8 centuries of history
For many generations the Porcia family has renewed their commitment to the
management of their farm estates, which has allowed our reality to become a
source of pride for the entire community. We are an integral part of the history
and culture of Friuli Venezia Giulia and among the recognized leaders in the
regional agricultural panorama by proposing sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
Eight documented centuries of tradition in this sector characterize our production reality almost in a unique way.
The development of the energy sector with its major investments in the renewable energy sector, both near the Castello di Porcia and the Fattoria di Azzano, begins in 2010.
Our production philosophy has always respected the environment because it has been based for centuries on the traditional agricultural model of crop rotation and on the targeted and compatible diversification of production.
Respect for the land and for the generations that have cultivated it, good agricultural practices together with animal husbandry, respect for the environment and the focus on energy efficiency are the leitmotif that distinguishes us and that finds its origin far away over time, a good eight hundred and thirty-seven harvests ago.
Eight documented centuries of tradition in this sector characterize our production reality almost in a unique way.
The development of the energy sector with its major investments in the renewable energy sector, both near the Castello di Porcia and the Fattoria di Azzano, begins in 2010.
Our production philosophy has always respected the environment because it has been based for centuries on the traditional agricultural model of crop rotation and on the targeted and compatible diversification of production.
Respect for the land and for the generations that have cultivated it, good agricultural practices together with animal husbandry, respect for the environment and the focus on energy efficiency are the leitmotif that distinguishes us and that finds its origin far away over time, a good eight hundred and thirty-seven harvests ago.
The Porcia’s castle
and his cellar
The Castle of Porcia had been erected in various stages, the first documents concerning the architectural aspect of the Castle are dating back to 1492, when the Count Giacomo di
Porcia wrote about the citadel and the wonderful close houses of the consorts; he glorifies the crenelated tower, so powerful and resistant that could compete with any other in
Friuli or Veneto, he recalls in the end the walls that surrounded the Castle, equipped with other eight small towers. Around Porcia, he wrote, water flows from every part copious,
in such a way as to form a small irrigation ditch, where two mills above and two below serving for the use of the country folks are located. In another memory of the XVI cent,
the Count Gerolamo di Porcia wrote:
“The Manor house is large, well hitched and with a lot of water, there wonderful palaces of Counts, and two astonishing towers, one of them it is said be more ancient of 1600 years”.
In other memoirs some of the rooms of the ancient palace that hosted Charles V in 1532 and Henry III in 1574 are named, such as the great hall, the foreigners' room, the dark room, the chamber of armoires and diamonds, everyone decorated and bearing the coats of arms of the family with gold lilies on a blue background.
The modern palace, also known as the Palazzo Novo del Vescovo because it was built in 1610 by the mentioned Co. Gerolamo, after the earthquake of 1873 had to be lowered for safety reasons, sabotaged and devastated during the First World War for safety reasons was then gradually modernized and accessible with the comforts necessary today.
It is interesting to remember the diary describing the stopover, already mentioned in Porcia and Spilimbergo of Emperor Charles V on 26th October 1532. (Sanuto, diary 57, col 164) "From Spilimbergo where His Majesty is now staying, the first day in Porcia, for me the 14th. The second day, for me the 17th, from Portia to Coneian. Tomorrow (Sunday, October 27) we will be in Santa Avocata, San Leonardo, San Martin and Sedran: to make him head of the virtuous Santa Avocata for the army”.
Another important place to stop was Pordenone, an ancient feud of the Dukes of Austria and historically property of the Serenissima for many ages; but another chronicler, Mantica, warns us that Charles V did not want to go to Pordenone because "to be in the hands of the Venetians, it would dishonourable".
The modern palace, also known as the Palazzo Novo del Vescovo because it was built in 1610 by the mentioned Co. Gerolamo, after the earthquake of 1873 had to be lowered for safety reasons, sabotaged and devastated during the First World War for safety reasons was then gradually modernized and accessible with the comforts necessary today.
It is interesting to remember the diary describing the stopover, already mentioned in Porcia and Spilimbergo of Emperor Charles V on 26th October 1532. (Sanuto, diary 57, col 164) "From Spilimbergo where His Majesty is now staying, the first day in Porcia, for me the 14th. The second day, for me the 17th, from Portia to Coneian. Tomorrow (Sunday, October 27) we will be in Santa Avocata, San Leonardo, San Martin and Sedran: to make him head of the virtuous Santa Avocata for the army”.
Another important place to stop was Pordenone, an ancient feud of the Dukes of Austria and historically property of the Serenissima for many ages; but another chronicler, Mantica, warns us that Charles V did not want to go to Pordenone because "to be in the hands of the Venetians, it would dishonourable".


The Azienda Agricola Principi di Porcía, located in the Friuli Grave and Lison-Pramaggiore DOC zones, has for centuries now utilised a diverse array of mutually-complementary crops, along the traditional agricultural model, namely corn, soy, barley, silage, walnuts, poplars, wine, and milk. Such an approach ensures the consumer a product that is fundamentally ethical, healthy, safe, and at the same time of good value, all in a context of eco-sustainability.
All of this is made possible through a completely transparent internal production cycle: the cows are fed with the silage and grains in order to keep them in consistent good health and to keep levels of milk yield high. Their organic waste, rich in nitrogen, phosphorous dioxide, and potassium, is an outstanding mechanism for soil fertility, which therefore has no need of massive applications of chemicals, nor of herbicides or pesticides. Crop diversification and rotation greatly reduce the need to work the soil, thus enabling better control and reduced use of chemical herbicides. Sustained soil fertility, therefore, ensures environmentally low-impact operations, including those of course in the vineyards as well.
The properties of Azzano Decimo, Porcìa and Pramaggiore extend over 840 hectares, 143 of planted with vines. At the forefront of equipment and cultivation techniques, it has always aimed to a targeted diversification of products, so as to reduce the risks arising from adverse weather conditions and ensure sustainable development of the territory.
All of this is made possible through a completely transparent internal production cycle: the cows are fed with the silage and grains in order to keep them in consistent good health and to keep levels of milk yield high. Their organic waste, rich in nitrogen, phosphorous dioxide, and potassium, is an outstanding mechanism for soil fertility, which therefore has no need of massive applications of chemicals, nor of herbicides or pesticides. Crop diversification and rotation greatly reduce the need to work the soil, thus enabling better control and reduced use of chemical herbicides. Sustained soil fertility, therefore, ensures environmentally low-impact operations, including those of course in the vineyards as well.
The properties of Azzano Decimo, Porcìa and Pramaggiore extend over 840 hectares, 143 of planted with vines. At the forefront of equipment and cultivation techniques, it has always aimed to a targeted diversification of products, so as to reduce the risks arising from adverse weather conditions and ensure sustainable development of the territory.
The family Porcia e Brugnera
The origin of the family, now represented by Prince Guecello, the Count Paolo with their families and by the cousins of the branch of Oderzo, is lost in the mists of time, the first memoirs that talk about it dates back to the tenth century, with the indication of Prata, Porcia and Brugnera with the founder Guecelletto di Prata in 1164 as captain general of the Patriarch of Aquileia, of the Bishops of Belluno and Ceneda against Treviso.
Guecelletto had two sons, Gabriele who gave rise to the Prata branch and Federico to the Porcia and Brugnera branches. The Porcia and Brugnera were "avogari" (civil servants) of the churches of Concord and Ceneda in the same way that the Counts of Gorizia were civil servants of the Patriarchate of Aquileia. The title of free Count appears for the first time in 1188 and the owner is Guecello di Prata son of Gabriel, the attribute of Free Count was ascribable to the nobility before the Patriarchs of the Friulian March (1077) determining obedience to the Patriarch but not the execution of the ministry. In such condition they had the first place in the Friulian parliament and they were able to exercise Count’s functions even without the intervention of the Patriarch. To whom they only paid homage and military sizes in times of war they had to face with Elmos XXXII and Balistas X.

The city of Pordenone, which was a kind of island, with estates of German families, including the Babenbergs and the Habsburgs, belonged to the jurisdiction of the Prata, Porcia and Brugnera on several occasions, from 1254 to 1258 and from 1314 to 1351. After the conflict with the Venetians the castle of Prata was destroyed because the restricted merchant oligarchy that governed Venice already started in 1300 a policy of expansion on the mainland.
The greatest impulse to conquer the hinterland was given by the Doge Francesco Foscari in the early years of 400. This decision was considered robust by the Venetians to give breath to a besieged city; in fact a synchronism between there Turkish expansion westward with the Venetian on the mainland can be seen; the Venetian - Friulian properties render a lot much to the Venetians. In the new territories, interesting for agriculture and factories, in fact Venice could trade overseas products. The conquest served to compensate for the positions lost in the East and to prevent the formation of a big state behind it, furthermore in this way the Republic was granted with a free access to the trade routes that, through the Alps, put it in relation to central and northern Europe. In 1420, the Venetian conquest of Friuli was completed and the Patriarchate had no longer a political function. When the Venetians try to conquer Friuli, at first, the Prata and the Porcia families lined up with them. Then they decided to replace their allied and lined up with Lodovico di Teck, supported by Sigismondo of Hungary because they could not suffer the despotism of the Serenissima anymore. After alternate vicissitudes during the war, in the end, the Venetians got the upper hand. And Filippo Arcelli, who was in charge, was commissioned to proceed with the revenge against the rebel feudal lords of Friuli. In September 1419 he besieged the castle of Prata. The orders given by Venice were peremptory: the total destruction and ruin Prata’s land, so that in the future it would be no longer inhabited and people could say "hic fuit Prata".
The fate of Counts William and Nicholas was marked. After a tenacious resistance, especially by Nicolò, the castle will be taken and destroyed up to the foundations. The territory was put to fire and steel, even the banks of the river were destroyed, so that water could make the country uninhabitable, bell towers and any other building except churches were demolished. The branch of the Porcia and Brugnera family accepted submission to the Republic of Venice avoiding destruction and from that moment on, they distinguished themselves being "people of arms" at the service of the Serenissima.
The greatest impulse to conquer the hinterland was given by the Doge Francesco Foscari in the early years of 400. This decision was considered robust by the Venetians to give breath to a besieged city; in fact a synchronism between there Turkish expansion westward with the Venetian on the mainland can be seen; the Venetian - Friulian properties render a lot much to the Venetians. In the new territories, interesting for agriculture and factories, in fact Venice could trade overseas products. The conquest served to compensate for the positions lost in the East and to prevent the formation of a big state behind it, furthermore in this way the Republic was granted with a free access to the trade routes that, through the Alps, put it in relation to central and northern Europe. In 1420, the Venetian conquest of Friuli was completed and the Patriarchate had no longer a political function. When the Venetians try to conquer Friuli, at first, the Prata and the Porcia families lined up with them. Then they decided to replace their allied and lined up with Lodovico di Teck, supported by Sigismondo of Hungary because they could not suffer the despotism of the Serenissima anymore. After alternate vicissitudes during the war, in the end, the Venetians got the upper hand. And Filippo Arcelli, who was in charge, was commissioned to proceed with the revenge against the rebel feudal lords of Friuli. In September 1419 he besieged the castle of Prata. The orders given by Venice were peremptory: the total destruction and ruin Prata’s land, so that in the future it would be no longer inhabited and people could say "hic fuit Prata".
The fate of Counts William and Nicholas was marked. After a tenacious resistance, especially by Nicolò, the castle will be taken and destroyed up to the foundations. The territory was put to fire and steel, even the banks of the river were destroyed, so that water could make the country uninhabitable, bell towers and any other building except churches were demolished. The branch of the Porcia and Brugnera family accepted submission to the Republic of Venice avoiding destruction and from that moment on, they distinguished themselves being "people of arms" at the service of the Serenissima.
Under the rule the domination of Venice, the Friuli regained greater political and economic stability and the arts had a new impetus, even if not up to other Italian courts. In the Porcia family, a few men of letters stood out, among whom Jacopo (1462-1538) did it, who was an important figure, achieving notoriety as humanist. He aroused interest in a particularity, he was the first among the castellans of Friuli who, impatient with the inertia in which, the changed political conditions of the country obliged men of his class who sought in study and culture, while remaining laic found a reason to live. Jacopo, born in the castle of Porcia, son of Artico and Francesca Padovani of Colloredo, was educated without particular dedication to the study of letters, but he had dedicated himself to games of chivalry and to exercise of weapons and to hunting.
It was only later that he took the books, after some family misfortunes, as the loss of his wife and father, after he left the administration of his possessions to his mother, that he went to Padua where he graduated in Law in 1509. In that same year, his mother also passed away and had to return to Porcia to prepare for the imminent war. Venice, had taken advantage from the debacle of Cesare Borgia to expand to the detriment of the state of the Church in Romagna, occupying Ravenna and Cervia, and did not want to adhere to the 'invitation of the energetic Pope Julius II to return the stolen properties. This event led to the union in a league that will be called Cambrai (1508) where almost all the states that had bone to pick with the Venetians: France, Spain and the Empire. Hardly defeated at Agnadello (1509) by the French, Venice was forced to yield to France Cremona and Chiara d’Adda, Ravenna to the Pope, the ports of Puglia (which Venice had taken at the time of the descent of Charles VIII of France) to the Spain. Only with the Emperor Maximilian Venice resisted and gave nothing back. Not even Pordenone, which since then has been under Venetian rule.
It was only later that he took the books, after some family misfortunes, as the loss of his wife and father, after he left the administration of his possessions to his mother, that he went to Padua where he graduated in Law in 1509. In that same year, his mother also passed away and had to return to Porcia to prepare for the imminent war. Venice, had taken advantage from the debacle of Cesare Borgia to expand to the detriment of the state of the Church in Romagna, occupying Ravenna and Cervia, and did not want to adhere to the 'invitation of the energetic Pope Julius II to return the stolen properties. This event led to the union in a league that will be called Cambrai (1508) where almost all the states that had bone to pick with the Venetians: France, Spain and the Empire. Hardly defeated at Agnadello (1509) by the French, Venice was forced to yield to France Cremona and Chiara d’Adda, Ravenna to the Pope, the ports of Puglia (which Venice had taken at the time of the descent of Charles VIII of France) to the Spain. Only with the Emperor Maximilian Venice resisted and gave nothing back. Not even Pordenone, which since then has been under Venetian rule.
From the experience that he had in the war at service of the Serenissima, Jacopo wrote the essay: "De rei militari". That wasn't his first work. He had already published in 1485, when he was just twenty-three years old, the essay entitled: “Jacobi comitis Purliliarum de genrosa liberoruma educatione jocundissimum quam utilissimum”. In it Jacopo explains how a young nobleman should be educated. He enunciated concepts oscillating between the tradition and the new humanism that was beginning to spread in the Italian courts. For Jacopo the young nobleman there are only two careers possible for him the army or the church. Among his works, the collection of letters entitled "Opus Jacobi comitis Purliliarum epistolarium familiarum” is worthy of attention. Written at the end of the fifteenth century for Princes and writers dealing with all topics that give a significant insight of the society and culture of the time. He also wrote about the Turkish invasions that occurred several times in those years in the territories he ruled, causing massacres and destruction. He also wrote about hunting and trapping and about proverbs. He therefore had an intense cultural activity that he managed to combine with that of a feudatory.