Privacy and legal notes


Pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016 ("GDPR"), Società Agricola Principi di Porcia and Brugnera, with headquarters in Via Zuiano n. 29, 33082 Azzano Decimo (PN), tax code and VAT number 01275220935, (hereinafter the "Company"), will process your personal data as data controller in compliance with the law and informing you about the use of the aforementioned personal data.

The data is collected in order to respond to your request for contact, made through the website of our Company.

In relation to these purposes, the processing of data can take place with paper and computer tools.

The provision of data is mandatory and your refusal will make it impossible for us to proceed with the request for contact forwarded to our company.

The data will be processed exclusively by the personnel and collaborators of our Company or by the companies expressly appointed as responsible for the processing of personal data. Outside of this hypothesis, personal data will not be disclosed to third parties or disclosed, except in cases specifically provided for by national or European Union law.

Finally, we inform you that articles 15-22 of the GDPR give interested parties the possibility of exercising specific rights; as interested, you will be able to obtain from our Company access to your data, the correction, cancellation, limitation of the processing of the same, the withdrawal of consent, as well as the portability of personal data concerning you.

The above rights may be exercised by sending a request to

Azzano Decimo (PN), 27/02/2019 2019